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Cardamom Spice

Cardamom is a special type of spice. The historical distribution of cardamom came from India and Sri Lanka. By itself, cardamom is a perennial herbaceous plant no more than 60 cm tall. In modern cooking, cardamom fruits are used, which are harvested before they are fully ripe. The collected fruits are subsequently dried and used in various areas of cooking. The taste characteristics that cardamom has are, first of all, a camphor shade with a bitter-burning aftertaste. However, this is the first taste impression, which eventually shows that the taste of cardamom subsequently becomes pleasant and warming.

The scope of cardamom is quite large, both at the culinary and regional levels. The most common cardamom in places of natural growth. In the culinary plan, cardamom is used as a flavoring for homemade drinks - tinctures, compotes, jelly. The Arabs noted the positive effects of cardamom in combination with coffee, as cardamom improved the taste and reduced the harmful effects of caffeine. Green cardamom in the form of whole boxes is added to punch or mulled wine, which significantly improves the taste of these alcoholic beverages.

In India, cardamom is an indispensable ingredient in chicken casseroles. In this recipe, ground cardamom is used, as in other hot dishes, since in such cases it is ground cardamom that is able to reveal its taste. In European countries, cardamom is used in various salads, meat fillings, pea soups, rice dishes. European cooks also use ground cardamom. Recipes for pickled fruits and vegetables may include cardamom.

Cardamom should be used very carefully as it has a very pungent taste. In meat dishes, one box of cardamom per 1 kg of minced meat is enough. Sweet dishes suggest less consumption of cardamom per 1 liter of liquid. In the latter case, half or even 1/3 of the box is enough. Cardamom is added to sweet dishes just before the end of the heat treatment.

Many ancient civilizations, such as Greece and Egypt, knew about the beneficial properties of cardamom contained in its oil. Cardamom is excellent for reducing immunity, as a preventive measure for intestinal diseases. Apply cardamom oil through inhalation for colds, and through aroma lamps, in case of insomnia, nervous disorders. In folk medicine, there are known cases of using cardamom to increase libido.

Despite the mass of useful properties, cardamom has contraindications, although not pronounced. Since cardamom oil is very concentrated, it should be used with caution in acute digestive tract conditions such as gastritis. Its use is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. Contraindications in the use of cardamom are explained by the fact that cardamom essential oil has a very strong effect.

The use of cardamom in recipes of various dishes improves their taste and has a positive effect on human health. Cardamom is used to improve the taste of drinks - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. It is important to use cardamom as a medicine. However, cardamom essential oil is highly concentrated, so care must be taken when using it.